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200 Club Draw

200 Club Draw

Henry Justice15 Jul - 18:33
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May & June 2024

£25 - Dave Maclellan
£50 - Laura Harris
£100 - Tim Taylor

£25 - Rich Williams
£50 - Ali Wilkinson
£100 - Rich Jones

Congratulations to our 200 Club Winners for the month of May and June
You can join the 200 Club for future draws by going to our Shop tab on the website and signing up. Options to pay by month or for a full year.
Or if you'd like to play indefinitely send us a private message or comment below and we'll send you all the details you need.
Its £10 per month to play with the prize pot rising as more people play. At the moment we're drawing three winners (£25, £50 and £100).
Your entry fee is split between the prize pot and going directly to TRFC.
The 200 Club is an easy way of supporting your club whilst also giving you the chance to win monthly cash prizes.

Further reading